BONUS Bug Suit Weekend!


Make your buddies BUZZ about your EPIC Bug Suit this weekend!
Purchase Shells, Banana Chips or a MiniMonos Gold membership between now and midday on Monday and get a BONUS Bug Suit on MiniMonos!

Offer ends midday Monday February 4th, Monkey Time (GMT).


Eco-Project (Not mine xD)


Today we’re putting the spotlight on Redy2442 and her brother, who found frogspawn in their backyard.

Frogspawn is a cluster of tadpole embryo surrounded in jelly. There are thousands of eggs in the cluster, but on average only five out of the thousand survive!


After finding the frogspawn, Redy2442 and her brother took the frogspawn out of the old toy in their backyard and relocated it to a natural habitat where there is a better chance of survival.  You can learn more about frogspawn here.

Redy2442 is now an EcoMonkey and has been given the special EcoMonkey t-shirt, EcoMonkey Top Cap, which means she can now visit the Eco Dome on MiniMonos Island every day!

If you’re not an EcoMonkey yet, click here to learn more about the EcoMonkey program!

Posted by Joelzdaman

MiniMonos Costume Design Contest!

Hey monkeys, today MiniMonos posted about the new contest, so here’s the new contest on MiniMonos Blog:

Have you ever wanted to tell The MiniMonos Team about what kind of costumes or suits you’d like to see on MiniMonos?

minimonos costume design contest

If you have, we’ve got an EPIC contest for you to enter- brought to you in part by The MiniMonos Team and a MiniMonos player, Kinggo3! We want to know what YOU would design if you could pick any costume or suit for your monkey to wear!
To enter this contest, you need to:
Draw or paint a picture of your costume! You can draw your picture on your computer or on paper and take a picture of it.
Send your picture to be sure to include your monkeyname and tell us about your costume.
Kinggo3 has generously donated half of the prizes for the winning designs- thank you, Kinggo3! If your design picture is one of the top three, you will win one of these prize packs:
First place: 1-Month MiniMonos Gold Membership
Second place: 25 Shells and 2,500 Banana Chips
Third place: 25 each of I am Green Firework, I am Red Firework & I am Blue Firework xPowers
Even if you don’t win this contest, you will earn the special Fan Art Top Cap- pretty awesome if you ask us!
All entries must be sent to us by January 15th. What are you waiting for? Start designing your costume today!

P.S. Here’s my entry! Don’t copy the picture look like mine and it was property of cup


The Most Liked treehouses on MiniMonos!

Hey monkeys, BT (Bananatastic), has posted about the top 25 most like treehouse during holiday 2012! So here’s what he wrote and the winners!

Congratulations to all the winners and even me lol :P! So, what do you think of this super rare top cap? Comment, and let us know!


Lilac02 wins the Holiday Story Competition!

After reading HEAPS of awesome stories submitted for the Holiday Story Competition, we came across this story by Lilac02! 

Lilac02 says, “The morals of this story are believe in yourself and you can do anything and help out friends and family like Rudolph did and they will always help you back like Jumper“.

Here’s her story:

One snowy Christmas eve, Rudolph and his friends were practising their flying technique. They flew through the woods nearby and loop-de-looped round the snowflakes.


A young reindeer named Jumper was trying to learn to fly, but she couldn’t quite manage it.  Rudolph knew that she couldn’t fly so he soared back to the stables and decided to help her to fly.  She was happy to see him but she knew he wanted to go off and fly.  He bent down and said to her: “Climb on”, and so she did.  They took off together and suddenly Rudolph whooshed downwards and let her fly by herself.  She looked down and realized that he’d moved and that she was flying by herself!  She soared and loop-de-looped and twirled like a snowflake.

Jumper was so happy she rushed right back to Santa to tell him.  He said: “I’ll let you fly up at the front with Rudolph!”  Rudolph was thrilled and said to her that night: “I knew you could. You just had to believe in yourself.”  As they swooped across the sky they could hear Santa shouting: “Ho ho ho! On Dasher, on Dancer, on Prancer and Vixen, on Comet, on Cupid, on Donner and Blitzen, on Rudolph and Jumper!” Minimonosphotos-27

When they finally got back, the others fell fast asleep, unaware that Rudolph and Jumper were flying around outside, side by side.  A little monkey named Lilac02 looked out at them through her bedroom window, smiling at them together.  Jumper looked down and winked at her, slowing down to say hello.  The monkey handed her a carrot, and she took it with gratefulness.

The other reindeer came looking for them and finally found them.  Santa came too and knocked on the door.  They were let in and all sat round the fire.  On the way back to the workshop, Rudolph stopped and sank to his knees.  Jumper noticed and flew down next to him.  She called for Santa and he guided his sleigh down to the white blanket of snow on the ground.  Rudolph stretched out his leg and Santa wrapped it up in bandage.  Jumper said to Santa: “Let him ride in the sleigh, he needs rest.”  So he did.  Jumper led the sleigh to the workshop and helped Rudolph to his stable.  She fetched him some carrots and nursed him back to health.  He said he was very proud of her for handling the situation well and thanked her.

From then on, Jumper flew out at the front of the sleigh with Rudolph every Christmas and was always careful to look at the little monkey in her treehouse and smile; when Santa came out of her treehouse he always had carrots for Rudolph and Jumper from little Lilac02.  The end.

Congratulations, Lilac02!  And thanks to everymonkey who entered- there were some bananamazing entries!


Bonus Disco Ball!

Hey monkeys, as you today is thursday, so that means the bonus weekend is here! Check it out:

Here’s a picture of me, and the disco ball!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

What do you think of this Bonus Weekend Gift? Comment, and let us know!
